2018-08-17 11:32:10 -06:00

268 lines
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/* Digraph CMS: Destructr | | MIT License */
namespace Digraph\Destructr;
use mofodojodino\ProfanityFilter\Check;
* The Factory is responsible for keeping track of which columns may or may not
* be configured as virtual columns (although in the future for NoSQL databases
* this may not be relevant).
* The overall responsibilities of the Factory are:
* * Tracking which table is to be used
* * Holding the driver to be used
* * Creating DSOs and passing itself to them
* * Calling its own and the DSO's hook_create() and hook_update() methods
* * Passing DSOs that need CRUD-ing to the appropriate Driver methods
* * Creating Search objects
* * Executing Searches (which largely consists of passing them to the Driver)
* * Inspecting unstructured data straight from the database and figuring out what class to make it (defaults to just DSO)
class Factory implements DSOFactoryInterface
const ID_CHARS = 'abcdefghijkmnorstuvwxyz0123456789';
const ID_LENGTH = 16;
protected $driver;
protected $table;
* Virtual columns are only supported by modern SQL servers. Most of the
* legacy drivers will only use the ones defined in CORE_VIRTUAL_COLUMNS,
* but that should be handled automatically.
protected $virtualColumns = [
'' => [
'index' => 'BTREE',
'unique' => true
'dso.type' => [
'dso.deleted' => [
* This cannot be modified by extending classes, it's used by legacy drivers
'' => [
'index' => 'BTREE',
'unique' => true
'dso.type' => [
'dso.deleted' => [
public function __construct(Drivers\DSODriverInterface &$driver, string $table)
$this->driver = $driver;
$this->table = $table;
protected function hook_create(DSOInterface &$dso)
if (!$dso->get('')) {
$dso->set('', static::generate_id(static::ID_CHARS, static::ID_LENGTH), true);
if (!$dso->get('')) {
$dso->set('', time());
if (!$dso->get('dso.created.user')) {
$dso->set('dso.created.user', ['ip'=>@$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']]);
protected function hook_update(DSOInterface &$dso)
$dso->set('', time());
$dso->set('dso.modified.user', ['ip'=>@$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']]);
public function class(array $data) : ?string
return null;
public function delete(DSOInterface &$dso, bool $permanent = false) : bool
if ($permanent) {
return $this->driver->delete($this->table, $dso);
$dso['dso.deleted'] = time();
return $this->update($dso);
public function undelete(DSOInterface &$dso) : bool
return $this->update($dso);
public function create(array $data = array()) : DSOInterface
if (!($class = $this->class($data))) {
$class = DSO::class;
$dso = new $class($data, $this);
return $dso;
public function createTable() : bool
return $this->driver->createTable(
protected function virtualColumnName($path) : ?string
if ($this->driver::EXTENSIBLE_VIRTUAL_COLUMNS) {
$vcols = $this->virtualColumns;
} else {
$vcols = static::CORE_VIRTUAL_COLUMNS;
return @$vcols[$path]['name'];
public function update(DSOInterface &$dso) : bool
if (!$dso->changes() && !$dso->removals()) {
return true;
$out = $this->driver->update($this->table, $dso);
return $out;
public function search() : Search
return new Search($this);
protected function makeObjectFromRow($arr)
$data = json_decode($arr['json_data'], true);
return $this->create($data);
protected function makeObjectsFromRows($arr)
foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
$arr[$key] = $this->makeObjectFromRow($value);
return $arr;
public function executeSearch(Search $search, array $params = array(), $deleted = false) : array
//add deletion clause and expand column names
$search = $this->preprocessSearch($search, $deleted);
//run select
$r = $this->driver->select(
return $this->makeObjectsFromRows($r);
public function read(string $value, string $field = '', $deleted = false) : ?DSOInterface
$search = $this->search();
$search->where('${'.$field.'} = :value');
if ($results = $search->execute([':value'=>$value], $deleted)) {
return array_shift($results);
return null;
public function insert(DSOInterface &$dso) : bool
return $this->driver->insert($this->table, $dso);
protected function preprocessSearch($input, $deleted)
//clone search so we're not accidentally messing with a reference
$search = new Search($this);
/* add deletion awareness to where clause */
if ($deleted !== null) {
$where = $search->where();
if ($deleted === true) {
$added = '${dso.deleted} is not null';
} else {
$added = '${dso.deleted} is null';
if ($where) {
$where = '('.$where.') AND '.$added;
} else {
$where = $added;
/* expand virtual column names */
foreach (['where','order'] as $clause) {
if ($value = $search->$clause()) {
$value = preg_replace_callback(
function ($matches) {
/* depends on whether a virtual column is expected for this value */
if ($vcol = $this->virtualColumnName($matches[1])) {
return "`$vcol`";
return $matches[0];
/* return search */
return $search;
protected static function generate_id($chars, $length) : string
$check = new Check();
do {
$id = '';
while (strlen($id) < $length) {
$id .= substr(
rand(0, strlen($chars)-1),
} while ($check->hasProfanity($id));
return $id;